Sunday, April 02, 2006

Not exactly a random placement, but....

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I should have been leaving next Saturday for Arkansas, where I was to have been part of the Cornell Ornithology Lab's search for conclusive evidence that Ivory Billed Woodpeckers still fly in the remaining shreds of southern swamp forests. But I'm not. I resigned my position earlier this year for reasons not worth explaining.

However, I just sent an ATC to one of the fellows with whom I'd originally planned to split car rental expenses from Nashville to the Cache River Wildlife Area. We've been emailing back and forth, and this search period is the final one for the season. The pressure is huge to come up with *something.* This project has come under heavy fire in recent months.

So, even though I can't be searching in person, I'll be there in the form of this quick and useful pocket reference, should my friend I've never met be faced with the need for quick ID help!

Go get that bird, searchers!


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